Работаем для вас ежедневно: 9.00 – 19.00 / Иркутск, 10 км Байкальского тракта, ул. Кузнецовой, 14, ТЦ «Байкал», 2 этаж
Preserving the lake
Preserving the lake
Great Baikal Trail
Popular route on the Great Baikal Trail. A favourite hike for many is to walk for a full day along the trail from the port town of Listvyanka, up north along the coast of Baikal, to the village of Big Cats (Bolshiye Koty).
Volunteer with the Great Baikal Trail?
Well, let's say that you might like to visit Baikal. You love being out in the wild. And you also like hanging out with new friends that you meet along the way. Maybe also you'd like to help us protect Baikal and all its beauty.
The protection of nature at Baikal
Lake Baikal is almost entirely surrounded by national parks or other specially protected areas. So it might help here to talk more about all of these parks, and what laws and restrictions apply to each of the protected territories in Russia.
Ethics «Leave no trace»
Some helpful rules and norms while you hike along trails in nature.