Работаем для вас ежедневно: 9.00 – 19.00 / Иркутск, 10 км Байкальского тракта, ул. Кузнецовой, 14, ТЦ «Байкал», 2 этаж
Great Baikal Trail
Great Baikal Trail
«Protecting the environment, while working to make people's lives better.»

People at Baikal already spend a lot of time on the Great Baikal Trail. A favourite hike for many is to walk for a full day along the trail from the port town of Listvyanka, up north along the coast of Baikal, to the village of Big Cats (Bolshiye Koty).

For other people who want to camp out along the trail it is possible to go further, all the way up to the town of Bolshoye Goloustnoye. In fact there are new trails being built everywhere around Baikal—and not just along the shoreline. One of the most popular new routes is further inland, taking hikers up to the rock cliffs of the Olkhinski Plateau, not far from Irkutsk.

The thing is: the Great Baikal Trail is not simply about hiking. Yes, it is there for people to get out and enjoy nature. But it really does so much more for people. It inspires them, it educates them, it makes them more aware of our wonderful natural environment at Baikal!

You might ask: Who exactly is building this trail? Well, it is a group of like-minded environmentalists, and includes volunteers who come from all over the world to help construct our local trails. Some volunteers come from China and other nearby Asian countries. From the time when the Great Baikal started its work in 2003, it has brought together thousands of volunteers who have since formed a growing community of nature-lovers around the lake.
«Protecting the environment, while working to make people's lives better.»

People at Baikal already spend a lot of time on the Great Baikal Trail. A favourite hike for many is to walk for a full day along the trail from the port town of Listvyanka, up north along the coast of Baikal, to the village of Big Cats (Bolshiye Koty).

For other people who want to camp out along the trail it is possible to go further, all the way up to the town of Bolshoye Goloustnoye. In fact there are new trails being built everywhere around Baikal—and not just along the shoreline. One of the most popular new routes is further inland, taking hikers up to the rock cliffs of the Olkhinski Plateau, not far from Irkutsk.

The thing is: the Great Baikal Trail is not simply about hiking. Yes, it is there for people to get out and enjoy nature. But it really does so much more for people. It inspires them, it educates them, it makes them more aware of our wonderful natural environment at Baikal!

You might ask: Who exactly is building this trail? Well, it is a group of like-minded environmentalists, and includes volunteers who come from all over the world to help construct our local trails. Some volunteers come from China and other nearby Asian countries. From the time when the Great Baikal started its work in 2003, it has brought together thousands of volunteers who have since formed a growing community of nature-lovers around the lake.
More about the GBT's work
The Great Baikal Trail is one of the largest non-governmental community groups in Siberia. It has a lot of projects currently under way. For example the GBT:
More about the GBT's work
The Great Baikal Trail is one of the largest non-governmental community groups in Siberia. It has a lot of projects currently under way.
For example the GBT:
  • 1
    Helps build up tourism around the lake through the construction of high-quality eco-trails, campgrounds and other facilities, along with the installation of helpful interpretive and educational stands and displays along the way;
  • 2
    Goes out and restores wetlands and other degraded areas disturbed by man, and collects rubbish and removes graffiti along the trail, and replants forests that have suffered from recent fires;
  • 3
    Provides fun and educational activities for kids in local villages, including summer programs such as their "Kids with backpacks along the trail" which are most popular with local children and their families;
  • 4
    Builds fully accessible trails for people of all abilities, as part of their larger program called: "The world of nature should be accessible to everyone!"
  • 5
    Trains young leaders and trail builders from all over the country, always with an eye towards developing true eco-tourism as a major driver for the growth of the Russian economy.
  • 6
    For more information on how you can come to volunteer with our 2-week trail-building teams, please go to greatbaikaltrail.org and look for: How to become a volunteer with us!
  • 1
    Helps build up tourism around the lake through the construction of high-quality eco-trails, campgrounds and other facilities, along with the installation of helpful interpretive and educational stands and displays along the way;
  • 2
    Goes out and restores wetlands and other degraded areas disturbed by man, and collects rubbish and removes graffiti along the trail, and replants forests that have suffered from recent fires;
  • 3
    Provides fun and educational activities for kids in local villages, including summer programs such as their "Kids with backpacks along the trail" which are most popular with local children and their families;
  • 4
    Builds fully accessible trails for people of all abilities, as part of their larger program called: "The world of nature should be accessible to everyone!"
  • 5
    Trains young leaders and trail builders from all over the country, always with an eye towards developing true eco-tourism as a major driver for the growth of the Russian economy.
  • 6
    For more information on how you can come to volunteer with our 2-week trail-building teams, please go to greatbaikaltrail.org and look for: How to become a volunteer with us!